Friday, September 18, 2009

A Good Cup of Coffee and English

It is 10:30 here on our last day in the Russian Federation. Man-oh-man, are we ever missing our boys, home, Whitestone, Family Tab and maybe even our pets! Mike says that the things he has really missed are a good cup of coffee and English. What I really miss is sitting in the non-smoking section...which I have figured out is not located in Russia!!
We will be out of here early in the morning and will be landing in Washington at 3:30 pm. We'll wait for our connection and will be back in God's country, aka North Carolina, at 6:30
Logan, good luck on tomorrow's football game. Brannon and Logan, don't forget The Journey"s yard sale tomorrow morning 8-??.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mike some things never change do they...a good cup of coffee makes just about everything better!! I still drink a pot of coffee everyday--black. Wish I could send you a cup now! Praying for a safe jouney home for you two.

    God bless,

