Saturday, September 12, 2009

On Our Way...

It's 3:25 and we are sitting here in Dulles airport, Washington DC, eating Starburst and waiting for our 4:50 flight to Moscow. It's been a 5 1/2 hour layover!! We just got a text from Brannon telling us that Logan just scored the first touchdown for the Shady Grove Bulldogs' Red team!!! We are hating we missed that! Way to go Logan!!!!


  1. Susan & Mike-
    We are praying for you guys and SO excited for you as you take this journey. We're praying for the Lord to go before you and prepare the way. Love you guys,
    The Binkleys

  2. Our thoughts and Prayers are with you all. This has been a long journey and you are almost at the finish line. God is with you all. We love you!!
    Bo & Carmen

