Monday, October 12, 2009

Safe and Sound

We arrived in Moscow at about 10:40 this morning. I will write more later because right now I'm pooped!


The flight over was uneventful....which, thank God, is a good thing! It is 37 degrees here with wind and rain. The jet lag really got to us this time. We have just woke up from a 4 hour nap!

I'll share two things I've learned about making air travel easier. First, and this is from our trip home last month, if you are crying when you take off...your ears don't pop as bad. (When we were on the plane to leave Russia was when it really got to me about leaving Riley SO FAR behind,) Second, it helps to put yourself to sleep on long flights if you watch movies in a foreign language that you don't understand. I watched Transformers in Russian on the way over and was zzzzzzzzzzzzzz'ing before I knew it. And another side note to Brannon and Logan, Megan Fox isn't nearly as hot when she sounds like large Russian discus thrower.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike and Susan! Praying for everything to go smoothly and for a very safe return home. Give Riley lots of hugs and kisses from Auntie Beth, Uncle Tim and Cousin Isaac! :-) We Love you guys!!!

