Friday, October 9, 2009 we come!

We just found out yesterday that we were given the court date of Oct. 16th in Vladimir. Then this morning that got bumped to the 14th. So, we will be leaving Sunday to go back for our second trip to Russia!! We will arrive in Moscow on Monday, leave for Vladimir on Tuesday, have our adoption hearing on Wed. morning, travel to Alexandrov to the orphanage for a visit on Wed. afternoon, travel back to Moscow on Wed. night and then fly home on Friday! Follow our blog and go along with us. Much love to you all!


  1. Wow! That's great to get bumped UP a couple days! Doesn't happen too often in life! Court lasted 50 minutes for us. It wasn't so bad. You'll do great!

  2. God is so good! Praying for safety while traveling. What a wonderful birthday always did like to extend your birthday celebration a bit, if I remember correctly! :) Also praying all goes well during the court proceedings. Look forward to seeing your updated posts.

    Love you,

