Thursday, November 12, 2009

Me, Myself and I

We have decided that I'll make this trip to Russia alone. It just isn't practical to pay for airfare for two and have Mike miss three days of work when I can take care of the passport and visa alone. Please keep me in your prayers...I'm dreading being alone, especially for the longs flights over and back but I do have the peace of God about doing it. I can't let my surface emotions cloud the peace that I have deep within. I know that even though Mike isn't with me, my savior and constant companion is!

I'm wondering if I need to leave Mike the 10 page "what to do while I"m gone" list that I usually leave with the "boysitter"? What do you think, Krystal? Will Logan's basketball uniform get washed? Will the pets get fed? Will all three of them live on nabs and moon pies while I'm gone?

I want everyone to know that, thanks to Cathy Davis, the Alexandrov Baby Home will be receiving a thousand beanie babies. Cathy, I hope they don't search my luggage at the airport!? Can you see me in a Russian jail for smuggling beanie babies into the Russian Federation?

1 comment:

  1. Your trip is going to go wonderfully! I know that when Andrew is away, and I'm playing single-mom for anything important (tends to work out that way), it always helps to have a few favorite verses tucked in my pocket. That way I can pull them out and lean on them when I need to ... which is often!

